
You are grounded.  We all heard that before. What does it mean to us as of right now? Almost all of us are grounded: children, adults and elderly.  How to use this incredible situation to our advantage? How to benefit from being grounded? How to improve our communities, families, work environments by being grounded?  One way to do this is by promoting self-discovery, self-recognition and self-love.  Accept this incredible living situation by feeling blessed and supported by Mother Nature and God.  

Every person has time to meditate, to contemplate, and to conduct self-discovery.  I know those are big words. Let’s find something small to think about in the mist of it.  Let’s think about how we eat, especially when we are single.  I’m sure a lot of single people are watching news or something and eat at the same time to stimulate their senses.  There is nobody to talk to; it is hard to focus on food.  This is how bad it is right now in the world.  People have hard time focusing on themselves.  They need somebody to distract them or they will become depressed and overeat every time.  They do not like what’s happening outside. They cannot except it.

For example, there are some news coming out of post-quarantined China displaying the high divorce rates.  We do not want to see these patterns in US or in any other country.  Divorces are very expensive and overrated.  In most cases when people get married they believe in forever together. We have to believe in that and work hard on our marriages.  Only time will tell if a marriage is successful. There are ups and downs in life and in marriages.


Let’s go back to the improving our eating routine. Turn off all your devices that are making noises and voices. Before you start eating take a close look at your plate; admire your plate. Smell the beautiful food. Chew slowly.  Use your senses to smell and enjoy the food.  Eat normal portions to let the food digest properly.  Leave the table a little bit hungry.  Look at your children this is what they do subconsciously.  Children usually do not overeat, they leave the table early.  Learn from them how to eat normal portions.  Breath, seep your favorite hot tea after an amazing meal.


How do you feel today? What is on your mind? Do you feel overwhelmed, confused, or balanced and grounded? Where are you in this range of emotions? We listen to News. What type of news are you focusing on? Drama news or making progress news? Where do you see yourself in two weeks? What are you doing every day? Where do you want to be in one month? What do you want to feel in one month?

Are you doing your part to stabilize the situation in the world? Or you are panicking every day and shaking up your household? We are interconnected. This is the fact, we (humans) are interconnected. To stabilize the situation we have to be confident about positive outcome. We have to feel connected within our communities in a positive and supportive way. We have to do little things for each other every day; the good things, the supportive things. Say “Hi” to your neighbor in a safe, compassionate way. Communicate with a family member nicely. Do little things; smile, hug, compromise, be respectful.

Wake up with a sunrise

We live in a strange time right now. People are very stressed and are not well organized. They are very emotional and vulnerable right now. It means they eat and drink more than they need. They stay home and watch news all the time which is very unhealthy. Or they have very stressful jobs. Please take a look at your eating routine right now.

Wake up with a sunrise. Have a hearty breakfast. Take your time to cook your meal. Enjoy your breakfast very much. Eat slowly; think about your breakfast when you eat it; do not watch or listen to anything at that time; really focus on your breakfast.

Find things to do during the day. A lot of folks volunteer by making masks or other supplies for doctors and nurses. Some restaurants make food for doctors and nurses and other essential workers in the areas where they live. Connect to those people if you know you can help. Clean your house every day; communicate with other family members; try to be supportive and calm. Please be patient with children and members of the family who are more vulnerable to the current situation. Stay strong.

Your lunch is as much important as the breakfast. Be sure you have time to prepare your lunch and eat it. This is very important to have enough time to chew your food slowly, enjoy it and focus on it. By doing so, you support your body at such stressful times that we live right now. You can tell yourself, I’m doing everything I can to support myself in this situation. You support your immune system by staying strong and focused. This is the goal to support your body and protect your body as much as you can right now. If you cannot protect and support yourself you cannot help anybody else.

Keep your dinners to a minimum; drink lots of water and hot tea. Focus on your feelings about the food, be sure you are still a little hungry when you leave the table. A lot of people overeat during the night hours and cannot sleep after that. This technique (leave the table feeling a little bit hungry) is very crucial to practice, if your goal is to stay healthy. It will help you to protect your immune system. After the first week you will feel some progress. Your immune system is going to be much stronger in a month for sure if you keep going.


What is the definition of procrastination?


The act of procrastinating, putting off or delaying or deferring an action to a later time.

Micro-actions will help you to get over procrastination.  Start by performing simple tasks or micro-actions. Micro actions help to develop strong will.  Micro-actions are not going to hurt you.  Micro-actions will make you stronger.  It is similar to what Dale Carnegie taught us; he taught us to live in small compartments. Living in small compartments helps to keep yourself together during difficult times in your life. 

When you feel that a task is enormous and impossible to complete.  In those moments you start using the micro-action technique.

For example, instead of cleaning the whole house.  You start by cleaning just one room.  You clean that room a few times per week.  By the end of the week you will see a huge progress.  This huge progress will encourage you and demonstrate to you how important it is to focus on a small task from start to finish. 

Another example, of the micro-action is eating three pieces of pizza instead of four.  If usually you eat four pieces of pizza and feel overwhelmed.  You start by eating three pieces of pizza every time you eat pizza.  If you eat pizza once a week by the end of the month you will feel a difference in your energy level. Eating less food will increase your energy level and make you more alert and energetic.  Being a little bit hungry every day is a very healthy habit. You just have to be patient and really follow through; commit to your decision.  Micro-actions are very small decisions. If you can commit to eating less pizza for one month you will be shocked by how much more energy and desire to be positive and optimistic you might gain in only one month.

I understand we are humans, we are not robots. We have days when we really want comfort foods and we really want a lot of it. It is totally OK to eat more pizza during those days; eventually you will do this less and less because the benefits of eating less and feeling a little bit hungry when you leave the table are so much greater.  If you stick with your decision in this case to eat a little bit less over time you will really appreciate the benefits of the micro action technique.

Watching TV

According to a study published in 2011 in the journal American College of cardiology, anyone who devotes more than four hours daily on screen-based entertainment such as TV, video games, streaming or surfing the web, ups their risk of heart attack and stroke by 113% compared to those who spend less than two hours daily in screenplay. This is regardless of their age, gender, exercise routine and whether or not they smoke.