
You are grounded.  We all heard that before. What does it mean to us as of right now? Almost all of us are grounded: children, adults and elderly.  How to use this incredible situation to our advantage? How to benefit from being grounded? How to improve our communities, families, work environments by being grounded?  One way to do this is by promoting self-discovery, self-recognition and self-love.  Accept this incredible living situation by feeling blessed and supported by Mother Nature and God.  

Every person has time to meditate, to contemplate, and to conduct self-discovery.  I know those are big words. Let’s find something small to think about in the mist of it.  Let’s think about how we eat, especially when we are single.  I’m sure a lot of single people are watching news or something and eat at the same time to stimulate their senses.  There is nobody to talk to; it is hard to focus on food.  This is how bad it is right now in the world.  People have hard time focusing on themselves.  They need somebody to distract them or they will become depressed and overeat every time.  They do not like what’s happening outside. They cannot except it.

For example, there are some news coming out of post-quarantined China displaying the high divorce rates.  We do not want to see these patterns in US or in any other country.  Divorces are very expensive and overrated.  In most cases when people get married they believe in forever together. We have to believe in that and work hard on our marriages.  Only time will tell if a marriage is successful. There are ups and downs in life and in marriages.


Let’s go back to the improving our eating routine. Turn off all your devices that are making noises and voices. Before you start eating take a close look at your plate; admire your plate. Smell the beautiful food. Chew slowly.  Use your senses to smell and enjoy the food.  Eat normal portions to let the food digest properly.  Leave the table a little bit hungry.  Look at your children this is what they do subconsciously.  Children usually do not overeat, they leave the table early.  Learn from them how to eat normal portions.  Breath, seep your favorite hot tea after an amazing meal.

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